Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Osama In My Backyard

Earlier today, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani named several individuals that are being commissioned to investigate the circumstances behind the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

To assure no outside interference, Pakistan's Parliament demanded that an independent commission be issued rather than a military probe.  The panel's mandate includes establishing the full details around the former Al Qaeda leader's presence in Pakistan.

Surely, the most paramount concern will revolve around Osama's capacity to remain undetected for some time while residing so close to a major city.

A five-man panel, including a retired Pakistani General, will be led by a judge throughout the course of the investigation.


  1. i doubt pakistan will admit to any incompetence on their part over the location of osama bin laden

  2. I agree with Verona, they will not admit to anything but the fact that bin ladens complex was sitting right next to a base just rings alarm bells to be honest

  3. This is a report that will never see the light of day.

  4. I'll have to follow and see if anything actually comes of this...

  5. Wonder who their scapegoat will be.

  6. Will be interesting to see how this investigation unfolds

  7. Can't wait to see what happens with this...

  8. Btw. do you really think that Navy killed CIA agent (Bin Laden)?

  9. I'm wondering whether this will actually turn out anything useful.

  10. God, they do have some explaining to do, otherwise they likely have their US Military Aid on the line

  11. Another waste of the taxpayers money in Pakistan. I doubt this 'panel' will be fruitful.

  12. 'investigate the circumstances behind the raid'.Why would they do that?Anyway lets see what comes out of this!
